Saturday, November 30, 2019
Suspense and Crime Fiction Essay Example
Suspense and Crime Fiction Essay Crime Fiction, more than any other genre, engages the reader through the art of suspense. AThrough analysing, watching and reading â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter†by Roald Dahl, an episode of Poirot â€Å"The Third Floor Flat†by Agatha ChristieChristopher Gunning and â€Å"The Red Headed League†by Arthur Doyle, creates a great overlook on how each Crime Fiction story creates suspense. Whilst Dahl uses setting and narrative to create suspense, Christie uses characters to create suspense and Doyle uses plot development to create suspense. Roald Dahl’s â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter†engages the reader through the art of suspense by using setting and narrative voice. This is can be shown through because even though neither characters say much about the setting, you can tell by the way Mary Maloney’s thoughtsinks about her home and her husband. The narrationIt automatically gives the idea of a warm and inviting home with the impression of a loving wife. For example when she is patiently waiting for husband to return home from work. NEED TO PUT IN A QUOTE FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE STORY – MAYBE FROM WHEN SHE IS WAITING PATINENTLYThis shows without her even saying anything, you understand what’s going on. The storyIt is written in third person limited omniscient narration which means the reader knows some of the thoughts and feelings of Mary but not her husband or the police officers. This demonstrates that Dahl wants the reader, to feel as though because there is little information given, you have to think outside the box and figure out the untold pieces of the story. â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter†engages the reader through suspense by having to as you must solve the mystery through setting and narrative voice. We will write a custom essay sample on Suspense and Crime Fiction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Suspense and Crime Fiction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Suspense and Crime Fiction specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Agatha ChristieChristopher Gunning has used hercreated characters thato engage the reader through the art of suspense in an episode of Poirot â€Å"The Third Floor Flat†. A clear example of this is when Donovan finds the body. When Do
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Young Goodman Brown
Young Goodman Brown A Brief Biography The works of Nathaniel Hawthorne were a reflection of the history of his Puritan relations and the New England during his days. Some of his well-known works include The Scarlet Letter, Young Goodman Brown, and The House of the Seven Gables.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Young Goodman Brown- Nathaniel Hawthorne specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts, on July 4, 1804. Two aspects of his early life especially influenced his writing career: the Hathornes had been persecuted due to their religious affiliations and the Salem witchcraft trials. Nathaniel’s father passed on in 1808, leaving his wife and three kids-two girls and a boy reliant on relatives. Nathaniel spent his early life in Salem and Maine. A leg injury limited his movements for a significant duration, during which he developed a passion for reading and thinking. With assistanc e from his rich uncles, Hawthorne attended Bowdoin College in Maine (1821 – 24). Hawthorne had no interest of taking up any occupation, instead choosing to read and write short stories, many of which were published in newspapers. Among the novels were Fanshawe (1828), Young Goodman Brown (1835), and a collection, Twice Told Tales (1837). In 1842, Hawthorne married Sophia Peabody and together they had three children. The family settled at Concorde, Massachusetts. Unable to support his family from writing alone, Hawthorne took up a position at the Salem County House as a surveyor in 1846, but was dismissed two years later because his political connections. The dismissal turned to be a blessing in disguise as he wrote The Scarlet Letter, his most successful work. The duration from 1850 to 1853 was the most fruitful since he wrote The House of the Seven Gables and The Blithedale Romance. Franklin Pierce, Hawthorne’s former schoolmate at Bowdoin, became president in 1852 an d Hawthorne was selected as the American consul at England from 1853 – 57. He wrote Our Old Home (1863) during the stay at England. In 1857, the Hawthornes moved to Italy and settled mainly in Rome and Florence.Advertising Looking for research paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They later returned to England and Nathaniel completed his final and lengthiest work, The Marble Faun (1860). The family returned to America and stayed in their permanent home at Concorde. He died on May 19, 1864 while visiting the New Hampshire Hills with Franklin Pierce (Meltzer, pp. 54). Young Goodman Brown Plot The story begins at night in Salem when Goodman Brown leaves his wife, Faith, to meet a strange person in the forest. As they meet, Brown and the individual advance further into the forest, at this juncture, it becomes evident that his companion is the devil, and the reason for that journey is to pa rticipate in an unknown ceremony, but clearly an evil one. As they progress with the journey, Brown realizes that others are heading for the ceremony, most of whom are from Salem town and whom he had believed to be Christians and pure in heart. He is surprised and discouraged and once again opts to turn back, however, before he does this, he hears Faith’s voice and recognizes that she is the one who is to be initiated at the ceremony. Knowing that he has lost faith and Faith, he decides to join the ceremony. At the ceremony, new converts are called to the altar for anointing, just when Faith is about to be anointed in blood, he shouts out her to look to heaven and refuse. He finds himself alone in the forest. Arriving in Salem the following morning, Brown is unsure whether the occurrence was real or a dream, however, his outlook of those around him, including his wife, drastically changes. Major Characters Goodman Brown Goodman Brown exhibits purity and corruptibility as he w avers between believing in the innate kindness of the individuals around him and believing that the devil has conquered the minds of those he loves. When the story begins, Brown is convinced of the righteousness of his father and grandfather until the old man, possibly the devil, tells him otherwise. Brown has faith in Goody Cloyse, the priest, and Deacon Gookin until the devil tells to him that Cloyse is a witch and Gookin is his assistant. Eventually, he is convinced that Faith, his wife, is upright and honest, until the devil shows him at the ceremony that she too is unclean. The revelations show Brown’s lack of a firm stand as he easily swayed. He shows us the good and evil sides of humankind.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Young Goodman Brown- Nathaniel Hawthorne specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through his exposure of the good and evil sides of humankind, Hawthorne mentions what he believes as the concealed corruption of the Puritan society. Goodman Brown believes in the public portrayal of purity made by his father and the church leaders and in the communal formations that are built upon that purity. Hawthorne uses Brown to show his audience that behind the public display of purity, the Puritans’ acts were adulterated. Satan tells Brown that he was there when his father, grandfather and other church members burned native Indians’ villages, suggesting that the founding of English country has a dim side that religion falls short of explaining. Faith Brown Faith Brown is Goodman Brown’s wife and serves a symbolical purpose in the novel. Brown leaves her at night to have a meeting with the devil, when asked why he was late, Brown answers â€Å"Faith kept me back a while†(Hawthorne, pp. 10). She stands for positive force in the society. Consequently, when Brown realizes that she too is evil, he cries â€Å"My Faith is gone†and runs franti cally toward the witches’ assembly (Hawthorne, pp. 23). Faith represents the solidity of the family and the domestic realm in the Puritan outlook. As her name hints, she seems to be most pure-hearted among the Puritans and functions as a substitute of sorts for religious emotions. Her husband clings to her as he inquires about the righteousness of those he knew, drawing comfort from the fact that if Faith remains pure, then his own faith is worth defending. However, when he discovers that Faith too is corruptible, he believes that everyone around him is evil. Brown’s estrangement from Faith at the conclusion of the story is the worst result of his change of mind. The Old Man/ Devil In this novel, the devil seems to be a normal man, showing that everyone, including Brown, can be evil. The devil appears from the forest decently dressed just as any man in Salem would, but Goodman Brown discovers that the devil can emerge in any situation and fail to appear inapt. By accen tuating the chameleon nature of the devil, Hawthorne illustrates that the devil basically personifies the worst side of man. By mentioning that the devil could be Brown’s father, the writer builds a link between them, leaving the readers to speculate whether the two are related or the devil is Brown’s evil side. Brown’s contact with the devil affects him forever.Advertising Looking for research paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Critique of the Novel Nancy Bunge in Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Study of the Short Fiction (1993) critiques the book based on the conduct of Goodman Brown (Bunge, 14). She mentions that everybody is corrupt and can move along honestly and openly with others after admitting this grim truth. Yet Brown rejects this reality and destroys his life by trying to maintain his righteousness. The novel reveals this fact so painfully that, despite the huge amount of critical commentary on the story, many recognize it as the novel’s theme. Bunge is right; the climax of the novel takes place at the ceremony, especially when Brown finds out that Faith was also evil. This changes him forever. Nina Baym in Thwarted Nature: Hawthorne as Feminist, argues from the outlook of the female characters. She mentions that the protagonists, regularly male, decline any sexual bond with a female figure, normally a spouse or fiancà ©e (136). In most cases, this action has a grave effect on the scorned woman. Stories written prior to 1842 have a female character demolished only by accident, not purposely. In Young Goodman Brown, Brown’s separation with his wife was not intentional, as he had intended to return to her after the appointment with the devil. Baym asserts that the act of a man leaving his wife demonstrates the male’s disinterest to the affairs of their female counterparts. She defines women as sexual beings and the men as â€Å"sexually frozen†(138). Baym suggests that Hawthorne’s male characters are engrossed with their female counterparts but the only way of making contact with them is through desire. Joan Easterly asserts that Brown is a changed man after his encounter in the forest. Hawthorne shows how Brown fails the trial of his moral and divine being. For instance, brown does not cry after seeing Faith and those who were close to him at the ceremony. This indicates that he has no compassion for these people and therefore cannot a Christian himself (340). I disagree with this point, Brown was filled with so much grief after seeing that his father, grandfather and church leaders were all corruptible. Finding out that his wife was also evil was just too painful for him and we see him shouting to her to look to heaven and refuse the initiation. Baym, Nina. Thwarted Nature: Hawthorne as Feminist. 1993. New York, Twayne Publishers. Bunge, Nancy. Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Study of the Short Fiction. 1993. New York: Twayne Publishers. Easterly, Joan Elizabeth. Lachrymal Imagery in Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown. Studies in Short Fiction. 1991, pp. 339-43. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. 2005. Young Goodman Brown. New York: Chelsea House Publishers. Meltzer, Milton. Nathaniel Hawthorne: A Biography. 2007. Washington: Twenty-First Century Books.
Friday, November 22, 2019
3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction
3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction 3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction 3 Sentences with Flawed Parallel Construction By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, an attempt to make a list within a sentence has gone awry. Discussion after each example explains the problem, and one or two revisions suggest solutions. 1. We have specific plans about what we are going to do, how and when. This sentence implies a list consisting of â€Å"what we are going to do, how we are going to do them, and when we are going to do them,†but it elides one word too many: â€Å"We have specific plans about what we are going to do, and how and when.†2. He holds various roles, from celebrated guest, martial arts envoy, unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant. If what appears to be a list of associated nouns or noun phrases is preceded by from, it is not a list, but a range that includes one or more intermediate parameters, so from should be complemented by to, and the sentence must be further revised so that parameters are connected with conjunctions, thereby combining to be clearly associated with either to or from: â€Å"He holds various roles, from celebrated guest to martial arts envoy and unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant. Alternatively, revise the sentence slightly to avoid the range construction altogether: â€Å"He holds various roles, including celebrated guest, martial arts envoy, unofficial chargà © d’affaires, and even close confidant.†3. The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, compliance with internal and public company requirements, and to support future growth. The grammatical structure of the final list item is inconsistent with those preceding it- it alone includes an infinitive phrase (â€Å"to support†)- so revise it to match the others by shifting support from a verb to a noun: â€Å"The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, compliance with internal and public company requirements, and support of future growth.†Alternatively, convert the third item to a final item by inserting a conjunction before it, then make what was the final item a distinct phrase by inserting an of before it to make it parallel with the list (which is preceded by of) and changing the form of the verb: â€Å"The company has embarked on the initiative with the objectives of process improvement, increased automation, and compliance with internal and public company requirements and of supporting future growth.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should AvoidHomonyms, Homophones, Homographs and HeteronymsPunctuation Is Powerful
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
In what ways is Neo-realism similar to traditional Realism Essay
In what ways is Neo-realism similar to traditional Realism - Essay Example Modern debate on international politics can be traced back to the period between the first and the Second World War. Many scholars and political analysts still contemplated on the underlying reasons behind the wars. Politicians and nations endeavored to set up organizations such as the League of Nations, which would help in the maintenance of order all over the world. At this time, realists developed arguments that explained the debates on power relations, the balance of power, as well as international politics. Realists such as Hans and Waltz made notable contributions, which tend to have some similarities. Therefore, traditional realism and neorealism can be regarded as similar in a number of ways (Mearsheimer 1990, p. 10). First, in their definition of power, both traditional realists such as Morgenthau and neo-realists such as Waltz tend to share similar thoughts. Traditional realism and neo-realism see power as the main currency in the international arena, which they view as a hostile stage. As such, the concept of power forms the basis of how these two blocks of realism analyze international politics. Both traditional realists and neo-realists hold that the material structure that makes up the international system has a significant bearing on state behavior (Burchill et al., 2009). Neo-realists and traditional realists both argue that some of the most notable aspects of power include the armed forces and the military. These two blocks of realism also contend that power may comprise of the ways in which a nation controls another.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Comparison Analysis of Personal Consumption Habits Essay
Comparison Analysis of Personal Consumption Habits - Essay Example Boone & Kurtz (2006) outline the first step in the consumer decision-making process as being the identification of a specific problem. In the case of my food purchase, a relatively empty refrigerator represented such a problem. In addition, a personal craving for pickles was the initial motivation to visit the food market, where a series of searches and evaluation of alternative brands ultimately led to a final purchase decision. There appears to be a general consensus amongst most marketing research professionals that buying decisions are largely based on elements of the marketing mix (such as price and promotion), as well as previous experience with any particular brand. Pickles, under the model of consumer behaviour, usually represent low-involvement, meaning that lower price and affordability, as well as the fact that the majority of pickle brands are quite similar, would dictate a rapid purchase decision. However, in my personal situation, I am quite particular about the texture and flavour enhancements which are added to pickles, hence I generally weigh my potential brand alternatives carefully before selecting my desired product. The final pickle purchase involved a heavy evaluation of alternative brands, comparing ingredients, my own experience and distaste for certain brands, and the promotional elements of the market which included sale versus non-sale items; representing a series of personal evaluative criteria. The process of searching, as stage two of the decision-making process.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
System of Inquiry Essay Example for Free
System of Inquiry Essay The need for an organized manner of operating can never be ignored by any organization that is truly focused on the development and implementation of policies that will see it through trying times and help it achieve its goals (Alpha Kappa Delta, 2004). Operations entails coming up with a code that will act as a guideline for all members in an organization and be a reference for the strategic directions that should be adopted when dealing with problems. The success of the system or organization largely depends on the control mechanism implemented which in turn depends on the code and the structures put in place to ensure its implementation (Alpha Kappa Delta, 2004). Therefore, having a good code of ethics that is clear, well defined and lacking of any ambiguity is very important to the success of an organization in its operations and thus the eventual success of the organization as a whole. The organizations employees are committed to the development of a good system where the customers and the consumers of the companys services can be rest assured of the worth of their money and expectation. The employees are expected to respect and protect not only their rights but those of the customers be it human or civil for it is central to the freedom of the employees in inquiring and expressing their view in the areas of research, planning and in other operations. This ethics code is a set of principles and standards that acts as a basis for strategic planning and operations, management in the organization. The code is aimed at providing a set of standards and guidelines that address some of the situations met by the organizations personnel. The goals of ethics are aimed at protecting the welfare of individuals and teams within and without the organizations operational environment with regards to the operations of the organization. The development of a set of ethics that is dynamic enough to handle the varied nature of the problems faced by organization worker requires the will and commitment of all the workers in the organization. General Ethics i. Principle A The workers strive to ensure that their conduct benefit the organization and are not harmful. All workers should in all their actions ensure that they safeguard the welfare of all the people they interact with in the course of executing their duties as per the organizations needs. In dealing with conflicts, the set of rules attempt to find the solution to the problems or conflict in a manner that ensures that the harm is minimized. The workers should be more aware of the effects of their own abilities on the people they deal with. ii. Principle B The workers should at all time establish a good trust filled relationship with those they work with. They should be aware of their responsibilities to the organization and to the customers. The workers should consult and cooperate with other professionals to the level that will best address the needs of the organization. The workers should be concerned about the professional conduct and ethical compliance of their colleagues. They should be ready to contribute a considerable portion of their time for no considerable advantage or personal gains. iii. Principle C The workers should promote accuracy, honesty and uphold all the social virtues in their activities. They should not engage in the social vices like lying, subterfuge and intentional representation of records or facts. The workers are obliged to put into consideration the needs, consequences and responsibility in all their actions to ensure they do not result in mistrust. The organization recognizes that a fairness and justice principle entitles all workers to access the benefit of their work and to equality in quality of process or procedures. The workers should therefore exercise judgment and take measures to ensure that any form of bias that they are prone to, the limits of their competences and their professional skills and competences do not condone or in any way lead to unjust practices. v. Principle E The workers should at all time endeavors to respect the dignity of all people and show great respect to their rights to privacy and confidentiality. The workers should appreciate the fact that there are individual who due to some disadvantage are placed in situations where their right to autonomous decision making is impaired. The workers should respect the cultural and role differences based on gender, race, culture, socio-economic status and sexual orientation. The workers should try to discard all the effects of their work that lead to bias based on these factors and should not in any way condone activities that are based on prejudice.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Attachment in Groups :: essays research papers
Attachment and Self Disclosure in Groups      Attachment and self disclosure can say a lot about a person. There was a study done to investigate attachment style and self disclosure in the first group counseling session. This was done in order to explain variable of group functioning. The attachment style was done by self report questionnaires and the self-disclosure was done by observations. There were more than four hundred participants that were split up into twenty seven different groups. I find taking over 400 people and placing them into twenty seven different groups is actually a quite strong way of studying attachment and disclosure. They were assessed on the basis of transcripts of the first group counseling session. As noted by the group leader and the participants, group functioning included self-disclosure, group empathy, group intimacy, and client behavior. The results indicated that a significant relationship existed between attachment and initial self disclosure. I agree with this.      Many of people around the world find group counseling beneficial, but still there are some that disagree. The prediction of a person’s behavior in the group counseling process is important for the sake of both the group and the individual. This article covers the behind the scenes look at each of these behaviors and what role it has in a group. They wanted to examine whether a person’s behavior in a counseling group can be explained by means of self disclosure and attachment. I think that a person’s behavior can be explained in any setting based upon disclosure and attachment.      Attachment theory is viewed as a valid conceptual framework for explaining one’s predisposition toward group counseling. This includes ability, motivation, and behavior. Attachment style reflects a person’s past experiences with significant others, it is expressed in Group 2 that person’s sense of trust and level of intimacy, and collected from self-report data. Self disclosure is reflected in actual behavior and can be measured through observation of a person’s situations such as the initial stage of a group. Attachment research has shown that secure attachment contributes to subjective well-being, high self-esteem, high self-efficacy, self-control, and well-adjusted interpersonal behavior. Insecure attachment seems to be organized around two basic dimensions: avoidance and anxiety-ambivalence. Avoidant adults tend to be uncomfortable about and have difficulties being close to and trusting others; anxious-ambivalent adults want closeness to others, worry that others do not love or want to be with them, and sometimes scare others away with their intense need for closeness.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Australian Aboriginal Art Essay
Australian Aboriginal art, song and dance has been the corner stone of culture since the beginning of their existence. Having no form of written language Aboriginal art, songs, and dances passed down through the generations have been the heartbeat that has kept this ancient culture alive. Even though the art, medium, song, and dance of each Aboriginal tribe may be completely different, they all serve the same purposes; create ceremony, and to inform each member of the tribe of their history, spiritual beliefs, values, and expectations for cultural norm and behaviour. It is not until recently that Aboriginal art has stopped depicting Dreaming stories and has begun to be used for other purposes, such as self expression and emotion release (Pizzi, 13). However as the customary Aboriginal ways of life have been continually interrupted and battered, the personal identity of Aboriginal people and their culture has deteriorated and is in great danger of dying out completely. For tens of thousands of years Aboriginals have created art on rocks, tree bark, the ground and their bodies, with dyes, paints, seeds, plants, sand, and ochres. It is these art works which create a visual language expressing the legends, morals, and history specific to each Aboriginal tribe (Kreczmansk and Stanislawska-Birnberg, 3). Each painting or drawing contains symbols and colours which represent a part of a Dreaming story. Generally the symbols similar to what they are representing, but can come to mean different things at different times, such as a spiral could represent a waterhole, campsite, breast, or fire depending on the context. Aboriginal art is an integral physical manifestation of their culture and cultural continuity is reflected in all forms; such as painting, drawing, ceremonies, song, dance, jewellery, and head masks (Barrington, April 12). On page one of ‘The Tjulkurra’, Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri, Janusz B. Kreczmanski and Margo Stanislawska-Birnberg write, â€Å"there is one kind of traditional painting which has not changed for thousands of years in its form and subject matter: the art of the Australian Aborigines. †The Aboriginal Dreaming stories are central to culture and each aspect of the Dreaming wheel is connected, and without one of the parts the wheel the rest does not make sense. These stories dictate every aspect of life and behaviour from where you can walk to how the Earth was created. These Dreaming stories are the blue prints to Aboriginal life, and it is through art, song, and dance that they survive. Each art drawing, painting, dance refers to a piece of information which the viewer gains upon looking at it, every song steers the listeners towards proper social behaviour or indicates where in society one falls (Morphy, 30). Some rituals, drawing and painting mediums and depictions, songs, and dances are gender or age discriminate, further structuring societal responsibilities and purposes (Mayrah, April 20). These Aboriginal art forms are the vehicles that pass meaning, purpose, history, and cultural from one generation to the next. Over the years Aboriginal way of life has been completely disrupted, abused, and deliberate attempts have been made to be erased. Since colonization Aboriginal people have been continually displaced from their lands, which they had lived on for over 40,000 years, and have had to watch as their sacred sites are cut down, mined, and destroyed. With this the materials used in Aboriginal art are destroyed, but more importantly there is a cultural disconnection as the elders are unable to teach the new generation the ways of their people and land. For example, when a tribe from the desert is suddenly moved to a coast their traditional sand art becomes impossible to create and the ceremonial act of passing that knowledge down to new generations cannot occur. So that art form is lost forever and the relationship between elders and the new generation breaks down. Or if a Dreaming story is based upon the lake which a tribe lives next to, and the tribe is moved away from this lake the new generations to come will not understand the story, or feel a connection with the land which was given to them by the Creation Beings. By taking away the tools the Aboriginals have always used to create their art and ceremonies their whole structure of culture is splintered. Tourism and the intrusions of western culture on Aboriginal land have weakened and belittled the art of the Aboriginals and traditional art forms have vanished in many places (Edwards and Guerin, Foreword). Furthermore, as â€Å"The Land My Mother, Walya NGamardiki†video the class watched on March 18th explains, the Aboriginals believe that they belong to the land, and if the land is destroyed then they too are being destroyed. In Aboriginal culture each person and family is born and connected to a Totem, or Spirit Being, and it is that person’s responsibility to protect their Totem; they are thought to be so connected that if one was to eat their Spirit Being it would be considered cannibalism. If a person’s Totem is killed then it is that person’s responsibility to carry out the mortuary rites for the being. When an Aboriginal dies they believe that their spirits go into the sites from which they came, but by destroying these sanctified sites the spirits have no where to return (Mayrah, April 20). â€Å"For Indigenous Australians†¦country is the subject of artistic representation, ritual enactment, totemism and the sympathetic magic that assists the group to ensure itself in the quest for survival†(Zimmer, 20). A disconnection between an Aboriginal person and his land is more than an unjust inconvenience; it is a cultural, emotional and spiritual murder worse than physical death. The Aboriginals currently make up only two percent of the Australian population, and their art, songs, and dances have been lost to the new generations. The ceremonies, art, dance, and song that had always guided, moralized, and given a voice to the Aboriginal youth has been made unnecessary, unfeasible, or irrelevant over time. These youths are now connecting with the anger, violence and messages of resentment of the contemporary black American culture. Instead of singing the songs and dancing the dances of their ancestors many young Aboriginals are rapping and grinding. (Dean, April 8). Many Aboriginals, old and young, feel no real tribal identity or language, no connection with Dreaming, and are left confused by who they are in the middle of two conflicting cultures (Bourke, 133). Without their art, song, and dance the Aboriginal culture has no history, meaning, future, or heartbeat. It is imperative to the future of Aboriginal tribes that they reconnect with the wisdom and ceremony of their ancestor’s art, song, and dance, while continuing to gain the tools to function in today’s westernized Australian culture. Bibliography Barrington, Robin. â€Å"Indigenous Australian Aboriginal Art. †Presentation, Introduction to Indigenous Australia tutorial, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley campus. April 12, 2010. Bourke, Eleanor. â€Å"On Being Aboriginal. †In Identifying Australia in Postmodern Times. Melbourne: Bibliotech, Australian National University, 1994. â€Å"Ways of Working: Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Modules. †Workshop, Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University of Technology, Bentley campus. April 8, 2010. Edwards, Robert and Bruce Guern. Aboriginal Bark Paintings. Canberra: Rigby, 1970. Kreczmanski, Janusz B. , and Margo Stanislawska-Birnberg. The Tjulkurra: Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri. Marleston: Jb Books, 2002. 1-7. Mayrah, Yarraga. â€Å"Aboriginal Culture. â€Å" Indigenous Australia – Aboriginal Art, History and Culture. http://www.indigenousaustralia. info (accessed April 20, 2010). McGregor, Ken and Jenny Zimmer. Bill Whiskey Tajapaltjarri. Victoria: Macmillian Art Publishing, 2009. 15-23. Morphy, Howard. Ancestral Connections: Art and an Aboriginal System of Knowledge. Chicago: University Of Chicago Press, 1991. Pizzi, Gabrielee. Voices of The Earth: Paintings, Photography, and Sculpture from Aboriginal Australia. Melbourne: A private collection. 7-16. ‘The Land My Mother’ or ‘Walya NGamardiki. ’ Movie, Introduction to Indigenous Australia tutorial, Curtin University of Technology, Bentley campus. March 8th, 2010.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay
As a business grows and expands, eventually the goal of a business is to transform from company into a corporate powerhouse. Once the goal of a company turned corporate is met a corporation is to operate eventually internationally within other countries. With the ability to operate a business internationally this will enable a corporation access to several features. These features are more revenue income, acquire and disperse domestic and international stocks, capital expenditures in the forms of resources and manpower in foreign countries. These features also spell the recipe for creating more jobs within those foreign countries a corporation plans to operate within. Culture Issues Affecting Corporations Actions Outside the United States The well known jean clothing company known in the retail business as Levi’s operates under the business name of Levi Strauss and Company. Levi Strauss and Company is located in the heart of Northern California’s Bay Area city of San Francisco. Levi Strauss and Company operates and own its factories of clothing internationally in 110 countries (Levi Strauss & Company, 2012). With the business growth and years in operation Levi Strauss and Company also have been put under extreme scrutiny because of business practices and business ethics. Most of the examinations and criticizing of the company business practices have been from various groups and individuals ranging from employee unions, stock market companies and individual, even from external companies associated with Levi and Strauss. One of the reasons for criticism was the attention brought onto Levi and Strauss operating two of the corporation’s factories in Bangladesh, India. What the assessment of Levi and Strauss Company found was that its resources also included the employment of children working within the factories. Many of these children working within the two factories working under the minimum age limit. This had put Levi and Strauss into a bad business situation. With the United States the minimum age limit to work legally in non-hazardous areas is 14 years of age (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010). In India the children working at two of Levi Strauss and Company were under the age of 14 years of age. With many of these children working there most of the wages were used to help support their families who depended on their child’s wages. Levi’s implemented into its Terms of Engagement that any child working under the minimum age limit would have his or her salaries covered while paying for his or her full education (Levi Strauss & Company, 2012). Ethical Perspectives Of Levi and Strauss Company Global Organization Levi Strauss and Company have ethical perspectives are in agreement with the majority view of operating as an ethical global business entity. Levi Strauss and Company operates under a Worldwide Code of Business Conduct, and a Global Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy (Levi Strauss & Company, 2010). Under the Worldwide Code of Conduct Levi’s operates its business affairs with good responsibility and integrity. The Code of Conduct also encourages the corporation’s employees base business decisions under the corporation’s ethical values. Operating under anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy, Levi’s operates under each country’s specific laws and regulations, in addition, these policies are put into effect to help the company’s employees be able to identify any potential business scenarios and avoid situations, which can put the company’s ethical policies at risk (Levi Strauss & Company, 2010). While operating in 2008 Levi Strauss had received pertinent information regarding its factories in the country of Uzbekistan. Levi Strauss and Company had gone under pressure to investigate about the working conditions of forced child labor to harvest cotton in Uzbekistan. With inquiries from the company’s external stakeholders, environmental nongovernmental organizations, socially based firms, and internationally based retailers, the company addressed the issue of forced child labor to harvest the cotton in that country. What Levi’s did was ban the cotton harvested in Uzbekistan (Levi Strauss and Company, 2010). From the part of 2008 through the middle of 2009 the company brought the issue to the United States Government and engaged the country of Uzbekistan government to resolve the situation of the country forcing children to harvest the cotton within that country (Levi Strauss and Company, 2010). Levi’s Ethical Perspectives Across Cultures Levi Strauss and Company faces different challenges operating in different countries and abiding by various cultural ethical differences. While operating in different Asian countries Levi and Strauss took part in The Asia Foundation to help support the end of corruption that is common in many Asian countries (SUPPORTING VULNERABLE POPULATIONS IN ASIA, 2012). the Asia Foundation helps with funding from Levi Strauss and Company develop programs which are to enable a better life for many people in Asian countries. With helping to end corruption Levi and Strauss has taken a pro-active approach to end this dilemma that is still in many of the Asian countries. In working internationally Levi and Strauss has addressed the issue of women’s rights in countries such as Egypt. In other countries the humane rights of women are equivalent to almost nothing putting women down at the bottom of the social pyramid. Levi and Strauss has partnered with Business for Social Responsibility to run a program also known as the HERProject-for Health Enable Returns that is meant to help women in educating women about health reproduction and access to get health services (Jill Nash , Vice President, Levi Strauss & Co. Corporate Affairs, 2010). With regards to operating in international countries Levi and Strauss must be able to handle each challenge differently and adapt policies for each specific region. One solution may work in one country but may not work effectively in an another country. Levi and Strauss operate under a high standard of ethics and code of conduct within the United States, which is far higher when compared to other foreign countries. Operating business in a high ethical standard is something Levi and Strauss have been innovating as the corporation ventures to operate in foreign countries. With each country come challenges, which may be similar and different from other countries, which are unique to each region. In conclusion businesses are either currently or entering into the global market as the realization of more income revenue is abundant. When companies look to grow with expansion into other countries sometimes the earnings of revenue will tend to take a company’s focus of concentration away from dealing with cultural aspects and challenges unique to those specific country regions. When the distraction on not learning about the different cultures and ethnicity conducts business do companies create mistakes that can have a major ethical issue in the public view. The best result would be to conduct business research on how business conduct operates in each country to avoid any potential ethical dilemmas.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Resolution to Stop Making the Penny Essay Example
A Resolution to Stop Making the Penny Essay Example A Resolution to Stop Making the Penny Paper A Resolution to Stop Making the Penny Paper A Resolution to stop making the Penny Penny Production shouldn’t be stopped. Some of the problems that will arise are that prices will increase, the poor will suffer, and nickels cost even more than pennies to make, thus wasting more of our money. According to Susan T Leadly, an About. com Guide, â€Å"Americans are traditionalists and the Lincoln cent is the epitome of modern day circulating coin tradition. †We must keep using the penny because eliminating it would hurt us, not help us. First of all, prices would increase, and nobody wants that. Everything will round up to the nickel, and thus costing the U. S and us for the things we buy. According to Penny Debate, â€Å"Merchants will probably round everything up in their favor, costing us more for everything we buy. †This will impact on our daily everyday lives and, an example of that would be, every time we go to the grocery store we will be charged more for what we normally get at a cheaper price. Another point is that the poor will pay the most for the raising of prices. They are the most likely to make small, frequent purchases and will suffer the most for the rounding up to nickels. Charities need pennies, and the charities that depend on pennies to fund a big part of their income are going to have some major losses. Nobody will want to donate some loose change, because people might think nothing of pouring out old penny jars, but they wont part with nickels so easily. And finally, nickels cost even more to make than pennies. The U. S mint can make five pennies and still lose less money than making just one nickel. So to avoid paying more, bankrupting charities, and making the poor suffer more than they have to, keep the penny.
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Study on Internet Marketing Strategies
A study on online marketing strategies used by new media entrepreneurs in India. S. Vivin RichardMs. Sri Jothi M. Sc Electronic Media,Lecturer Department of Media Sciences Department of Media Sciences College of Engineering,College of Engineering Anna University, Guindy. Anna University, Chennai Abstract: This research investigates the characteristics of online marketing strategies used by new media Entrepreneurs. This research helps to understand the nature and extent of business strategies used by successful online Entrepreneurs. Nowadays, most people prefer to get first-hand information from the internet. Being a terrific medium of communication, internet not only helps people to stay informed but gives them a fair idea about the consumer market as well. Hence, it is important to analyze and utilize the power of internet technology in the best possible manner. The need is to analyze and research needs of customers who come online to satisfy their wants. 1. 2. Introduction: Internet is primarily a source of communication, information and entertainment, but increasingly, it also acts as a vehicle for commercial transactions. Since the explosion of the web as a business medium, one of its primary uses has been for marketing. Soon, the web could become a critical distribution channel for the majority of successful enterprises. (Thompson 2002) In online world, companies try their best to make their products much more physically good that actually becomes the possession of life of a customer. The concentration of internet marketing is giving a similar experience to a customer ad help him/her to get the utmost satisfaction. Internet is a large repository of information, ever expanding database and a true knowledge hub. The impact of internet over people has grown over a period of time and people started trusting internet and they bank over the internet for major activities, be it personal, official and business related. Therefore this presents the perfect scenario for the entrepreneurs to market their products across the globe, to a large customer base that their sales force cannot even dream of identifying. Getting on the wings of internet technologies, organizations can easily enhance their overall worth by reaching to new heights of success. Online companies can engage in fruitful marketing activities by using effective new media marketing strategies to boost their product offering in the online market. 1. 1 Online marketing: Advertising in internet provides a major contribution to brand competition in the market. Advertising here not only provides information about a product or service but also promotes innovation. Besides it also facilitates consumer satisfaction. Big and small companies, individuals of all walks of life, major and minor events, concepts, etc. , nowadays lay their base on online marketing to get recognized in the market (Zarrella, 2010). When eBay was started, it was just a hobby, an experiment to see if people could use the Internet to be empowered through access to an efficient market. It was really about helping people connect around a sphere of interest so they could do business. †(Pierre Omidyar, eBay) 1. 2 Aim and Objective * To study the new media marketing strategies used by dotcom Entrepreneurs in India and to determine the most effective practices for the same. To study the dotcom entrepreneurs and their strategies in India. * To analyze the new media marketing strategies used by dotcom entrepreneurs. To identify the different marketing strategies of business enterprises using new media technology. * To determine the effectiveness of new media marketing. 3. Literature Review Scott (2009) states the reasons for brand promoters preferring online web for marketing is that the tools, techniques and content are constantly evolving. The buyers reward creativity by responding to the online efforts like: â€Å"If you are open to trying out new things, you can be first in your industry to use something new to communicate to your buyers†. The rules of marketing had to change and the web has proved a catalyst in bringing the changes forward and amplifying their scale. The sudden emergence of the Web 2. 0 marketing techniques demand additional approaches, while most marketers are still wrestling with the first generation, savvy brands are exploring the landscape that social media and social networks create for marketers. These techniques are allowing much deeper drivers in social change to be unleashed, with a profound impact on planning customer connections. The new generation of relationship marketing responds to the additional challenges of digital media literacy and in the right hands can trigger a rebuild of the entire marketing mix through different strategies. Relationship marketing for the Face book generation demands both thinking and acting differently (Chaffey 2003). Stroud (2007) says that the ability of social networking sites to generate these huge volumes of web traffic is proof of their huge popularity. Google, Yahoo and News International have bought themselves a presence in the social networking arena. The detailed rationale for these acquisitions differs but all have a common theme of wanting access to the enormous audiences. Visitors to online websties as well as social networking sites are significantly more likely than average to visit leisure-oriented retail site categories, such as music, jewelry/luxury goods/ accessories, consumer electronics and apparel. People typically enjoy sharing their experiences with these products, whether it is to talk about their new iPhone or the pair of designer jeans they just bought. Social networking sites offer the venue for those conversations to occur. Online media advertising is ideal for promoting brand recognition. Still, there is no doubt that advertising via online media sites is an effective way to increase your overall revenue stream (Brinlee, 2007). 3. 1 Research Methodology To analyze and find the effective use of online marketing strategy in developing a business online, and to find the effective marketing strategy used online by online Entrepreneurs. Communication was done with the survey method and content analysis in the research. Methods of Data Collection: The survey method helped in finding out the reach of the websites with their advertisements and marketing strategies which they use online to promote their business, and the ways of impact of the online marketing strategies. And the content analysis is another method used to analyse the different kind of communication strategy and marketing strategy used by the online entrepreneurs with certain parameters among the top 10 online e-commerce websites. 3. 1. 2 Research Design: This research study adopted survey and content analysis in order to find the effectiveness and the impact of the marketing strategies used in branding any product or the service among the target market through Flipkart. com, Futurebazaar. com and Naaptol. com with respect to international market group Amazon. com and ebay. in. 3. 2 Survey: Survey was conducted randomly among young adults community, by sending questionnaire through online to collect the individual opinion from the respondents. 3. 2. 1 Sampling Method Non probability sampling was used to collect the opinion from the online respondents. Purposive sampling method in non probability sampling was used to get the results. Questionnaire is used as a tool and online media is being planned to be taken as the medium of the findings. The total population is online media user community, but to collect the effective data the sampling is constrained to the target population like young adults, graduates within the age of 16 years to 40 years.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Assess the claim that Work Choices is no radical break with the past Essay
Assess the claim that Work Choices is no radical break with the past but merely a logical and desirable development in how workplaces are regulated - Essay Example High productivity not mere dependent on higher efficiency but nowadays more on its contribution towards good and satisfying experiences as well as opportunities for employees to learn new skills and competencies required for continuous innovations and improvements. So increase in participatory approaches, high performance workplaces and learning organization processes are to key to improve the productivity. Basically high performance workplaces or productive workplaces are the places where employees are able to continuously innovate, be flexible and agile, competent, skilled motivated and dedicated as well as working together in an atmosphere of mutual respect trust and confidence, partnership & collaboration. Sustained productivity improvements depends upon enterprise’s human capital i.e. skill, knowledge, competencies, attitude of employee and also its social capital such as trust and confidence, communication, cooperative working dynamics and interaction partnership, shared values, teamwork etc. To maintain higher level of productivity, organizations need to hire the right people; facilitate them through good work organization, work environment and management practices; build and enhance their knowledge and developed them as committed, motivated and engaged enterprises with good workplace policies and practices always creates productive workplaces. All productive workplaces p ractices are based on the principles of the involvement & participation; labor management partnership respect and recognition equality & non-discrimination, competency and skills development and providing good working conditions & sharing gains. So it has been obvious that concept of collectivism, equality & non-discriminatory relationship between employer & employee, trust and faith between the to were the rood causes for sustained productivity but the new legislation of work choices and intervention by the Govt. in Australian
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